Search Results

All search results for . 16441-16450 of 19484 results.

INFORMS MSOM Conference and Special Interest Group (SIGs) Meetings
...We invite you to attend the 2009 MSOM Annual Conference and the Special Interest...

Mathematica 5.1
...In the December 2003 issue, I reviewed Mathematica 5 from operations research ...

Data Mining Components
...Large- and mid-sized companies have expended significant resources in acquiring ...

Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International
...Electronic submissions (email attachments in MsWord) of research papers (...

The Art and Science of 'Better'
...Operations research is defined by Morse and Kimball [1951] to be "a ...

International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Engineering Management (ICOREM)
...This Conference will gather Operations Research practitioners, engineers, ...

Breast Cancer and O.R.
...Let me distract you from Christmas and your glass of mulled wine with a question...

...Our primary goal is to bring together people who are interested in the academic/...

The 23rd Belgian Conference on Operations Research

Game Theory: A 'Nobel' Pursuit
...Thomas C. Schelling...