Search Results

All search results for . 16451-16460 of 19484 results.

MIP 2009
...Mixed Integer Programming Workshop...

Alvin W. Drake
...Alvin W. Drake...

Virtual, Viable, Valuable
...Virtual "futures markets" may not be virtuous judging from the recent ...

2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
...The Annual IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and ...

Beautiful Minds
...Giddy thoughts at 30,000 feet while winging home from the INFORMS fall meeting ...

Are Software Patents Harmful?
...Patents are granted to provide inventors with a limited monopoly on technologies...

12th International Conference on Stochastic Programming
...The Committee on Stochastic Programming is an organ of the Mathematical ...

The War for Control of Your Computer
...It is certainly not news that multimedia publishers (record companies, TV and ...

Looking for a Job? Sounds Like an OR Problem
...Operations research professionals have solved a variety of important technical ...

Shameless Solicitation
...Friends, in this column I very rarely ask you for anything. I'm generally here ...