Search Results

All search results for . 16541-16550 of 19484 results.

Value Propositions
...The INFORMS Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) has been engaged in an ongoing ...

Democracy, Minimized
...In the U.S. presidential election, each state has a number of electoral votes. ...

Time to Update Teaching Cases

Has Academic O.R. Lost Its Way?
...I recently read an obituary in The New York Times of the sociologist Ida Hoos ...

Multiobjective Showcase Scheduling
...A popular dance studio in New York City holds ballroom dancing showcases twice a...

Teaching OR/MS to Net-Gens: A Paradigm Gap?
...Technology has shifted the learning paradigm for the new generation of students...

Modeling Madness
...The college basketball season traditionally culminates in a frenzy of nail-...

On the Road to Mobility
...Ten years ago, when the first survey on vehicle routing software was published ...

Incentives: The Unsocial Capital
...Recalling my earlier column about social capital (October 2002), I would now ...

Olympic Tiebreakers: The Reward of Risk and Innovation
...The recent 2008 summer Olympics held in Beijing, China, produced dramatic ...