Search Results

All search results for . 16521-16530 of 19484 results.

Mass Egress and Post-disaster Responses
...What can be done if, despite best efforts, a disaster strikes, leaving hundreds ...

Return of the Lone Ranger
...Editor's note: The term "Lone Ranger" first rode into the ...

Lessons in Usability and User Research
...INFORMS members know the value of research quite well. As such, during the last ...

Knowing When to Say When
...quot;So how's your teaching going?" the bank manager asked as the OR/MS ...

...The other day someone said that operations refer essentially to manufacturing. ...

Hard Sell for Soft O.R.
...Mention the term "Soft O.R." to most "operations researchers&quot...

Millenium Mania
...The ends of the second millennium and 20th century (even if they will not occur ...

Sally Stanford's Parable
...At the wine tasting party, agroup had gathered around the O.R. analyst and the ...

Eating Crow: Lessons in Project Management
...In the last issue (February 2009), I promised exciting things to come this year ...

Was It Something I Said
...In graduate school, we spent a lot of time sitting around trying to avoid ...