Search Results

All search results for . 16511-16520 of 19484 results.

Probability Management
...Today's world economy is driven by global uncertainties such as exchange rates, ...

Supply Chain Interoperability
...Interoperability is the ability of products, systems or business processes to ...

E-Business: A Road Just Begun
...We have never traveled the e-business road before, but is there something in the...

Making Heads or Tails of COIN-OR
...COIN-OR was designed following the open-source model to provide a much-needed ...

More than just an Internship
...This is a regular column sponsored by INFORMED, the INFORMS Forum on Education. ...

Where Do We Go From Here?
...I am the new INFORMS Online (IoL) editor in chief following two terms by Matthew...

O.R. and Physics
...Like most lay people, I admire physicists and am fascinated by their studies of ...

Executive Education Opportunities in Management Science
...In many business schools, management science education has thrived in recent ...

Preparing for the Democratic National Convention
...There are a great many challenging opportunities in preparing for the Democratic...

Changing the Face of Industry
...The strength of the OR community is its ability to model complicated real-world ...