Search Results

All search results for . 16501-16510 of 19484 results.

Getting Ready for the Real World
...Operations research/management science (O.R.) students graduating from master's ...

A Personal History of ICS
...Let me set the stage. The OR/CS interface has its own history stemming from the ...

O.R. at General Electric Global Research Center
...General Electric Global Research Center (GEGR) has been a cornerstone of GE ...

Give P.E.A.C.E. a Chance
...John Kettelle, the author of this month's cover story on a concept he calls &...

Author eyes us with optimism, concern
...I subscribe to The Week [1], a publication that strives to aggregate information...

Nancy's Parable
...quot;How does this one feel? " the salesman smiled. The O.R. analyst ...

Risks in the Editorial Process
...When I first became the editor in chief of Transportation Science roughly 15 ...

The Dance of the Fruit Flies
...The group was finishing lunch and preparing to go back to the afternoon sessions...


Reflections on Sept. 11
...Sept. 11, 2006, 6:30 p.m., Gate C21, Logan Airport, Boston, Mass., waiting for ...