Search Results

All search results for . 16851-16860 of 19484 results.

To Queue or Not to Queue
...Grocery stores are one of the last commercial entities that continue to use the ...

Richard C. Larson

Wikipedia: No Country for Old Men
...Recently, I tried to post an entry on Wikipedia. I browsed around at first, read...

The Spreadsheet Analytic Value Chain
...Note: This is the sixth of an occasional series of articles aimed at making ...

...The role of forecasting in business, medicine or life is demanding and elusive. ...

What They're Saying About Operations Research
...Several articles in the press examined the contributions made by INFORMS, its ...

Maple 10:
...I knew it in my heart, my theorem just had to be true. This beautiful result ...

Call For Papers
...International Symposium on Forecasting...

Designing, Selling a Hybrid Course
...In a previous column ("Your Next Teaching Vehicle May be a Hybrid," OR...

E-Biz Opportunities Abound
...And now, as in Monty Python, it's time for something completely different. My ...