Search Results

All search results for . 16831-16840 of 19484 results.

Keeping Nuclear Bombs Away
...HANOVER, MD, June 24, 2009 A two-tiered scanning-protocol for inspecting all...

Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium
...The 2008 INFORMS Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium (TEC) marked a turning point ...

Bad Side of eCommerce Recommendations: Overemphasis on Blockbuster Hits
...HANOVER, MD, May 14, 2009 Recommender systems like those at Amazon, Netflix...

Antidote for Academic Schizophrenia
...This article may contain a relief prescription for academic schizophrenia. &quot...

The Box That Changed Our Lives
...When the converted oil tanker Ideal-X arrived in the Port of Houston (Texas) on ...

10 Projects, 10 Lessons
...It is said that experience is the best teacher. We want to share some project ...

Strong Support for Soft O.R.

O.R. Heroes on Flight 93
...Have you seen the movie "United 93"? The overwhelming majority of the ...

Margaret L. Brandeau

Optimal or Agile?
...Imagine working as a dispatcher for a medium-sized freight logistics company. ...