Search Results

All search results for . 16811-16820 of 19484 results.

Is This Any Way to Run a Publishing Outfit?
...Technological and economic changes in the past decade are having a profound ...

O.R. Catches a Wave in Puerto Rico
...Unless you love world-class surfing, you may never have heard of the city of ...

Student Paper Award Application Process
...Rules and Information:1.        The ...

Active Learning
...Imagine that you are teaching a course in management science and you have ...

Vanguard System
...During the past 10 years there has been a growing interest in quantitative ...

Charles Stewart

Big Boost for O.R. in the U.K.
...On Dec. 20, 2007, the United Kingdom's Engineering and Physical Sciences ...

Yasser Tanvir

2008 Edelman Award Finalists
...Along with Netherlands Railways, the other 2008 Edelman finalists included...

A Critical Look at Critical Thinking
...quot;In the old days we used to teach pivot tables in the MBA core," my ...