Search Results

All search results for . 16781-16790 of 19484 results.

Up to Standard
...There is an old saying, that those who do not learn from the mistakes of the ...

Nitin Bakshi

Edelman Award Well Worth the Wait for Warner Robins
...After an eight-month effort to identify and verify outstanding achievement in ...

Measuring Success in 21st Century Conflicts
...In 1994, in an INFORMS panel discussion, Dave Haut, then chief of the Analysis ...

...The Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing (CAMM) at Queen's ...

Emmanuel Carrier

The Great Divide
...My main concern is the increasingly obvious worldwide divide of the OR/MS ...

O.R. in the O.R.
...Saving money is one thing. Saving lives is another. Saving huge amounts of money...

Weapons of Mass Instruction

Hamid Nazerzadeh