Search Results

All search results for . 16801-16810 of 19484 results.

CEOs are Tough Sells
...Whether they're peddling their product to CEOs or MBA students, those who toil ...

Life in the Blogosphere
...It has been more than six years since I wrote my last column in this space, ...

Optimal Logistics at Omya Hustadmarmor
...Logistics planning has always been an important area for operations research. ...

Dimitri P. Bertsekas

You Can't Spell SpORts Without O.R., but ... You Can Teach O.R. With Sports!
...One very effective way to recapture and hold the fading attention of students is...

What Is It Going to Take?
...The O.R. analyst, usually known for his sense of humor, seemed to be in a ...

The People's American Bank
...The home team was losing again, but the O.R. analyst didn't mind too much. The ...

David Hutton

The Sense-and-Respond Enterprise
...What is an adaptive enterprise? What does it mean to be a "sense-and-...

Diana Negoescu