Search Results

All search results for . 2141-2150 of 20203 results.

International Entrepreneurs
...Welcome to the annual Special International Issue of OR/MS Today, the seventh in...

The Paper Chase
...During the last two decades, as information systems/information technology ...

The 'Center' of Attention
...Side Stories...

An Educational Experience
...It is hard to believe that my year as president is almost over. It certainly has...

INFORMS Conference to 'Apply Science to the Art of Business'
...MIT and INFORMS expertise will come together on April 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency...

Methods of Multivariate Statistics
...Multivariate statistical methods provide a powerful tool for analyzing data when...

Joint MIT/INFORMS Symposium: Sunday, April 25
...1-1:45 p.m. "When OR is AND," Thomas L. Magnanti, dean of MIT ...

Online Optimization
...In 1967, when I returned to Germany from the United States to become the ...


IT Matters, But Only in Frame
...A thought-provoking article in Harvard Business Review, "IT doesn't matter&...