Search Results

All search results for . 2121-2130 of 20203 results.

What a Kick!
...The 1998 World Cup is over, but the controversy surrounding the premier sporting...

In Defense of Smart People
...Challenging Conventional Wisdom...

The Process Under Pressure
...We had an unexpected visitor to our offices the other day, a woman that we had ...

The Internet of Small Things: RFID and EPC

A Modest Proposal
...There were smiles around the long, massive conference table in the walnut-...

Altitude Manpower Planning
...Manpower planning is a fundamental process of an airline's operations. Montreal-...

The Information That Wasn't There: A Proposal to INFORMS
...Billy Bob Thornton, who gets my vote as Best Actor for 2001, plays the role of a...

Business Process Excellence and OR
...While OR and business process excellence may not be closely related on the first...

Operations Research Gives Profession a Bad Name
...As a practitioner of OR/MS, I must say that I am certainly encouraged by the ...

Decision Analysis: Aiding Insight VI
...This is published in OR/MS Today. Over the years, these surveys have been ...