Search Results

All search results for . 2181-2190 of 19484 results.

2012: University of Michigan Tauber Institute for Global Operations wins the UPS Smith Prize
...University of Michigan Tauber Institute for Global Operations accepts the UPS ...

Procter & Gamble: Success Factors in Analytics
...Using Analytics at Your Company: Tips from Leading CorporationsGlenn Wegryn - ...

2012 INFORMS Edelman Awards Gala
...The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and ...

Robust Routing for Battery Electric Videos *
...Presented by Daniel Reich -- Ford Research & Advanced Engineering and ...

2012: TNT Express wins the Franz Edelman Award
...2012 INFORMS Edelman Awards Winner Chris Goosens, Managing Director Global ...

Principles to Successfully Navigate the Vortex of Innovation
...Christopher B. Lofgren, PhD, President and CEO, Schneider National, Inc.At the ...

No Crystal Ball Required - Predictive Analytics for Business
...No Crystal Ball Required - Predictive Analytics for Business - Udo Sglavo, SAS...

INFORMS History Interview with Larry Stone
...Lawrence Stone Interview By C. Allen Butler, November 13, 2016, Nashville TN....

Machine Learning for Power Grid Reliability: Predicting Manhole Events in New York
...Presented by Cynthia Rudin --MIT In this session, Rudin presents innovations in ...

INFORMS Benjamin Lev
...Benjamin Lev (2016) Interview by Jeff Camm, November 13, 2016, Nashville, TN....