Search Results

All search results for . 2161-2170 of 19484 results.

Happy Birthday! Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) Program Turns One
...Presented by Scott Nestler, PhD, CAP, Chair, Analytics Certification Board...

INFORMS News: Call for Nominations
...Editor-in-Chief, Operations Research Deadline for Nominations: March 15, ...

Enabling Greater Sustainability in Vehicle Fleet Sales through Customer-Oriented Analytics
...Presented by Daniel Reich, Ford Motor CompanyFords Fleet Purchase Planner (...

Amanda Andrei
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I became involved in the area of ...

Harvard Business Review 2014
...At the INFORMS analytics conference in Boston this spring, the lineup was ...

2014 Edelman Gala

CDC Wins the 2014 Franz Edelman Award

History Lesson: The evolution of INFORMS
...By Peter HornerWith visions of their fledgling fields success during World ...

Transportation Science Editor-in-Chief Michel Gendreau
...The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and all forms...

INFORMS Journal on Computing Editor-in-Chief David Woodruff
...The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and computer ...