Search Results

All search results for . 2171-2180 of 20203 results.

Why Some Stop Banging the Drum
...quot;Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at ...

O.R. Abandoned Its Interdisciplinary Roots
...I just finished reading the interview in OR/MS Today with Dr. Richard Larson (&...

The Netwar in Iraq
...The U.S.-led Coalition's swift victory in Iraq was more than a military campaign...

The Congressman's Parable
...The O.R. analyst had finally surmounted his most recent technical challenge, but...

The Air Force Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository
...Ever wonder what operations research topics are being looked at in the Air Force...

Course Correction
...At a recent INFORMS conference, I participated in a very interesting discussion ...

Practice Makes Perfect O.R.
...Practice makes perfect! It's a well-known phrase. In my mind, practice makes the...

The Interim Leader
...John was unhappy...

IOL Resources for ORMS Education
...In keeping with the theme of this month's issue, here is a short guide to the ...

Essential Tools of the Trade
...Statistical methods and thinking are a critical part of the OR/MS professional ...