Search Results

All search results for . 16751-16760 of 19484 results.

Red Adair's Parable
...The two O.R. analysts were enjoying what is, for many, the best part of a ...

Cheaters Never Win, But Sometimes They Make Better Grades
...When it comes to cheating, I admit I have always been a bit nave. At the start...

Teaching OR/MS in Biz School
...In the June issue of OR/MS Today, Tom Cook [1] and Pete Horner [2] focus on the ...

How We Can Avert A National Crisis
...The call came in on my wife's cell phone as we were driving back to Chicago from...

Requiem for Beloved Software
...In order to understand the future, one has to appreciate the present as a ...

WSC Diversity Award
...In order to improve outreach and diversity among young researchers in the field ...

Getting Down to Business
...Business school accreditation is something the operations research/management ...

Probability Management
...In the first article in this series [1] we presented the seven deadly sins of ...

Best Dissertation Award
...Relevant dissertation topics in the domain of technology management may reflect...

Oh What a Night!
...Any time you walk into a ballroom and the first person you see is "Science ...