Search Results

All search results for . 16771-16780 of 19484 results.

WORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in OR/MS
...The WORMS Award celebrates and recognizes a person who has contributed ...

Mourning Loss of Peer-Turned-Mentor
...Perwez Shahabuddin passed away on Nov. 17, 2005. He was a great friend to many ...

Prom Night
...Spring was in the air. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the birds...

Serving the Services
...The services industry continues to be a rapidly growing segment of many ...


Public transport to the fORe!
...How would you build a public transport system? For example, look at the ...

Comparing Notes in Uruguay
...Over the past year, the Latin American Ibero Association on Operations Research...

Every CEO's Worst Nightmare
...Recently, during a daylong meeting, I heard some surprising information from one...

...MATLAB stands for MATrix-LABoratory. It started as a utility to facilitate ...

Fighting Flight Delays
...British Airways (BA) is a major international airline, operating 750 flights per...