Search Results

All search results for . 16741-16750 of 19484 results.

AT&T HONORED IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH AWARD Savings of $100s of Millions (May 17, 1999)
...AT&T's submission was chosen from over two dozen entries representing ...

...Elena Gerstmann...

Section Prize
...The INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize is awarded for the best...

Ain't It All Operations?
...One of the most enigmatic characters in English literature is Joe Christmas in ...

Course of Action
...Now that AACSB International (the organization of business school deans that ...

Distinguished Service Award
...To recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to...

Missed Opportunity
...To the Editor: I read the article by David Simchi-Levi on the new mission for ...

An Affair to Remember
...What if INFORMS and CPMS, the Practice Section of INFORMS, held a gala dinner ...

Petition Makes the Case
...This article is based on excerpts from a petition submitted to AACSB ...

Outstanding Simulation Publication Award
...To recognize outstanding contributions to the simulation literature, the INFORMS...